Tuesday 22 December 2015

Exam Anxiety

Overcoming Exam Anxiety
Exam anxiety is an uneasiness or apprehension experienced before, during, or after an examination because of concern, worry, or fear. Almost everyone experiences some anxiety. But some students find that anxiety interferes with their learning and test taking to such an extent that their grades are seriously affected.

What can be done about it?
Fortunately, there is a great deal that you can do to keep the anxiety from interfering with your performance. First, it's important to know that you don't have to eliminate it entirely. It helps to be "up" for exams. You just want to reduce the anxiety to a manageable level.
Getting prepared for the exam is more than half the battle. Attend all of your classes, find out what you're expected to know and when the exams are scheduled. Keep up with your work so that you can avoid "cramming" for exams. Become more efficient in your study habits. Have a study schedule that makes use of "wasted time". Study in a location where you can concentrate, get interested in the material, and give it your complete attention. Use a method such as SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) for reading your textbooks. Make flashcards and review them often. Learn how to take good notes. Go over them right after class and review periodically. Make outlines and summary sheets. Ask yourself, "What is the important information?" Being in a study group with motivated classmates is often helpful. Most colleges have Reading and Writing Centers to help you improve your study and test taking skills. Free tutoring is also usually available. In general, organized, self-confident students with efficient study habits may actually spend less time studying than others who receive lower grades.

So How Do You Get To Be Self-Confident?
Self-talk. Research shows that the self-talk of test-anxious students almost always tends to be negative and self-defeating. "Everyone in this class is smarter and faster than I am." "I always mess up on tests." "If I don't do well on this exam, then I'll flunk the course." "These are trick questions." "This is a weed-out course."
Become aware of what you say to yourself. Try writing your negative thoughts and then disputing each one with a positive statement. Start to encourage yourself as you would a friend. Repeating your positive statements to yourself will help reprogram your mind for success instead of for failure.

Other Techniques
Visualize yourself doing well and reaching your goals.
Aim for an A level of understanding. Don't overprotect yourself by saying you'll be lucky to get a C, so why study more?
Try not to compare yourself with others.
Become an expert in learning what is going well and what you can do to improve. Collect data by keeping a journal.
Reward yourself after studying instead of getting involved in avoidance behaviors.
Practice relaxing (progressive relaxation, self-hypnosis, guided imagery, etc.) so that relaxation becomes an automatically learned response.
Aim for a state of relaxed concentration. When you concentrate, you have all of your energy focused on your work with none wasted on worry.
Take care of yourself by eating well and getting enough sleep.
Plan time to exercise regularly and do it.

Test Taking Strategies Before:
· Take a practice test the day before with conditions as much like the test as possible.
· Review your summary sheets for an overall view of the material. Recite in your own words
· Get enough sleep. Avoid caffeine which increases anxiety.
· Remember to encourage yourself and STOP critical statements.
· Give yourself time to feel composed and to be on time for the exam. Avoid anxious classmates who are talking about the exam.

· Look over the entire test, READ THE DIRECTIONS, plan your approach, and schedule your time.
· Start with the easiest question first.
· Focus your attention on the test. Don't waste time and energy worrying, thinking about the consequences of not doing well, or wondering what others are doing.
· If you don't know an answer, mark the question.
· Suggest to yourself that you probably studied it and the answer will come to you when you get back to it.
· If you start to feel anxious, practice your relaxation techniques. Use anxiety as a cue to relax. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths and then back to the task.
· Essay Exams. Organize your thoughts in a brief outline. Look for key words such as compare, contrast, describe, identify. Start with a short summary or topical sentence and then make your points. Don't ramble. Remember what the professor emphasized.
Objective Exams. Think of your own answer before looking at the choices provided. Eliminate clearly wrong answers and make an educated guess (unless there is a severe penalty for wrong answers). After you have answered those you know, return to those you checked. Think about only one question at a time. After you have answered those you know, return to those you checked.
 If your time is running out, concentrate on those questions you know well and/or have the most weight. Use all the time allowed for reviewing your answers, completing ideas. Only change answers if you are sure of yourself.

Reward yourself for having tried. Don't go over the test questions with others. No matter how the test went, you can learn from the returned exam.

If you are still experiencing test anxiety after using these suggestions, you may want to meet with a counselor. For additional information visit http://mindgroombangalore.wix.com/counseling

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Mindgroom Services Bangalore

Mindgroom Services , a multi-disciplinary learning enhancement center dedicated to children with learning disabilities, dyslexia, slow learning skills, ADD/ADHD and/or moderate autism.

We, at Mindgroom, prepare students today for being successful tomorrow through direct, intensive, research-based Cognitive Skills Training Programs in association with SOI (Structure of Intellect) Systems, USA along Multi-Sensory educational programs. These programs ensure significant gains in reading, writing, maths , attention, processing, working memory and more. As a result, learning becomes more fun for children and academics take on new meaning.

At Mindgroom we try and provide answers to “why” a student is not learning efficiently and successfully by going beyond academics and tutoring.
We develop their foundation for learning that leads to lifelong learning success. Our programs work on building and enriching the basic cognitive skills along with the Perceptual Motor Training Programs to train the brain and body in a holistic integrated approach. This makes learning enjoyable and academics more meaningful for the children.

Brain research over the last 40 years nearly has proven that your child’s brain has the ability to change. Brain training involves creating new axons and dendrites on your child’s nerve cells in the brain to follow for faster processing. In order to create new pathways in the brain, your child needs to complete fun and exciting exercises that strengthen the cognitive skills and learning abilities essential for school learning.

Mindgroom's  Learning Enhancement Program integrates effective brain training strategies and standardized programs like Dermatoglyphics multiple Intelligence Test, Brain Sync Program along with special education and remedial programs for children with Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, slow Learners, and ADHD. We empower the students to build their foundation skills with SOI systems program and bridge the academic gap through Multi-Sensory Educational Programs. Ours is a holistic approach to supporting the students to achieve their potential at school.


Mindgroom Learning Center’s mission is to provide holistic services to children with learning disabilities, slow learners and mild autistic under one umbrella to build their fundamental cognitive skills along with bridging the academic gaps through multi-sensory educational therapy to help them reach and achieve their optimal potentials in learning and do well in their respective learning environments as independent learners.

Mindgroom Services provides professional and confidential counseling services for individuals, children, adolescents and couples at our centers. We also provide counseling and training services on location for organizations including Schools, Colleges, Corporates, NGOs etc.
Mindgroom Services represents a journey of awareness and growth, a progress, a transformation that leads towards your goals. Any change, transformation, awareness, real lasting progress to happen, will need to commence from your "Innermost Heart". This transformation would enable the journey towards a new beginning. While “Grooming” represents hope, a new beginning, a positive movement, a move towards a better future. We are a group of trained counselors, who work with you to facilitate your  journey of growth and greater awareness towards your emotional well-being, towards the progress that you want to make in your life.


We intend to promote health through behavioral changes and attempt to prevent illness in other ways as well. As a team of Thought professionals, we try to help people to lead a healthy life by the use of various techniques and technology which can help people to make long-lasting changes in their own lives by using thought interventions. These techniques are specifically designed and used to modify an individual’s behavior, emotional state, or feelings.

The ultimate goal behind thought interventions is not only to alleviate symptoms but also to target the root cause of the illness. These interventions can also be used to promote good health in order to prevent further illnesses. At Mindgroom these interventions are not tailored towards treating a condition but are designed to foster healthy emotions, attitudes and habits. Such interventions can improve quality of life and overall health. Interventions can be diverse and can be tailored specifically to the individuals or groups receiving treatment depending on their needs. This versatility adds to the effectiveness in addressing all kinds of situations.